Call for Papers

SREE 2023 Conference

SREE encourages diversity in its membership and in Society activities. The 2024 Program Committee encourages submissions across the conference program that include the presence and perspectives of individuals from diverse backgrounds.

  • Presentation Formats
  • Study Types and Review Criteria
  • Submission Procedures
  • Sections

Presentation Formats


Symposia provide the opportunity for investigators whose work has a common theme to present their findings in a single session. Each symposium proposal should include: 

(1) a justification that describes the contributions of each individual paper and how the studies are related;
(2) abstracts for each of the individual papers (maximum of 4 permitted) being proposed;
(3) a description of the ways in which (a) the people involved in this session reflect various dimensions of diversity (e.g., diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, career stage, institutional affiliation, and role, including policy-maker and practitioner roles), and (b) the methods and/or content of this submission embed equity principles and practices; and
(4) an independent discussant to provide comments on the papers, both individually and, more importantly, as a collection, sharing cross-cutting themes and policy implications.

Symposium sessions are 90 minutes long, and the organizer will be responsible for running the session and introducing the speakers. With respect to role, symposium organizers should think about how to incorporate individuals who are able to enact research findings highlighted in the session (e.g., a representative from a school district involved in an intervention or pilot study developed by a third-party research team).

Integrative Symposia
Integrative Symposia provide the opportunity for investigators with a diversity of perspectives, but whose work has a common theme, to present their findings in a single session. The integrative symposium could include two or all three of the following perspectives of (1) methods + (2) sections/content areas + (3) policy/practice voice. Each symposium proposal should include:

(1) a justification that describes the contributions of each individual paper and how the studies are related;
(2) abstracts for each of the individual papers (minimum of 3, maximum of 4 permitted) being proposed;
(3) a description of the ways in which (a) the people involved in this session reflect various dimensions of diversity (e.g., diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, career stage, institutional affiliation, and role, including policy-maker and practitioner roles), and (b) the methods and/or content of this submission embed equity principles and practices;
(4) a description of the ways in which the session integrates from across two or more of the following: (a) methods, (b) sections/content areas, (c) policy/practice voices; and
(5) an independent discussant who will comment on the papers, both individually and, more importantly, as a collection, sharing cross-cutting themes and policy implications.

Integrative Symposium sessions are 90 minutes long, and the organizer will be responsible for running the session and introducing the speakers.

Moderated Discussions
Moderated Discussions provide an opportunity to explore an issue beyond paper presentations. A moderated discussion proposal should be closely aligned with the conference theme and should include:

(1) a moderator (who may also be the session organizer);
(2) a justification that promotes the session by describing the session (and any individual abstracts if the discussion format lends itself to more than a session description);
(3) an outlined plan for the session that includes audience participation;
(4) proposed panelists (maximum of 5 permitted);
(5) a description of the ways in which (a) the people involved in this session reflect various dimensions of diversity (e.g., diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, career stage, institutional affiliation, and role, including policy-maker and practitioner roles), and (b) the methods and/or content of this submission embed equity principles and practices; and
(6) a description of the ways in which the session integrates from across two or more of the following: (a) methods, (b) sections/content areas, (c) policy/practice voices.

These moderated discussion sessions may take a variety of formats, such as a discussion with 2-3 panelists, a debate, an examination of a topic from different perspectives, or case studies. We encourage moderated discussions that actively engage the audience and seek to include multiple perspectives, including researchers and practitioners. NOTE: Moderated Discussion proposal reviews will not be blinded to allow reviewers to better evaluate the perspectives and experiences brought to the moderated discussion session.

Individual Papers

Individual papers with a similar focus will be assembled into a single session by the program committee. Usually, 3-4 papers are included in a session. In addition to an abstract, the proposal must include a description of the ways in which the methods and/or content of this submission embed equity principles and practices.

General Posters
Presenters in the general poster session will have the option of using physical or electronic display. Presenters may upload their poster presentations to the conference website to allow pre- and post-conference viewing of materials in addition to the abstract. In addition to an abstract, the proposal must include a description of the ways in which the methods and/or content of this submission embed equity principles and practices.

In-the-Pipeline Posters
In-the-Pipeline Posters allow presenters to share studies that are underway but do not yet have findings to report. Studies presented in these posters may also have interim findings that are not ready for presentation in a paper. The purpose of this session is to increase the SREE community’s awareness of research projects in the pipeline, facilitate networking among researchers conducting or contemplating similar work, and provide useful feedback to the presenters that can inform their work. In addition to an abstract, the proposal must include a description of the ways in which the methods and/or content of this submission embed equity principles and practices.

In conjunction with the SREE 2024 Conference, SREE will be offering in-depth workshops that support the conference theme on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. If you are interested in organizing and running one of these workshops, please submit a proposal.The proposal should include:

(1) Contact name, affiliation, and email address;
(2) Workshop Title;
(3) Instructor name(s), affiliation(s), and email(s);
(4) Proposed length of time (2-5 hours);
(5) Description of the session;
(6) Significance of the topic and how it supports the conference theme; and
(7) Target Audience.

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the SREE conference committee. Applicants will be notified by June 21, 2024. If the workshop presenters do not have funding (from their institution or a grant, for example) to give their workshop, then conference registration may be provided for workshop presenters.

These workshops provide a valuable opportunity for professional development and knowledge transfer between members of the SREE community.